Sunday, June 22, 2008

Colin Bailey

Younger attorney from Northern California Legal Services. NCLS has incorporated race based advocacy in their entire service delivery. Here is the outline of his talk. I thought it was interesting. I am not sure how well it would translate in Nebraska, where most of our clients are white. I like their focus on getting out into the community. He says, "Don't let your front door determine your client base." Lots of good stuff on GIS and environmental justice.

Social cognition and race-based advocacy (RBA) in legal services.

“The Race Equity Project” (REP)

-Education and Support Materials
-Be explicit about race-analysis
-Share and Disseminate
-Race-conscious lens
-RBA tools
-Client empowerment
-Change in the law

Background of REP - 2003
-Prop. 54 – Ward Connerly
-Brown v. Board – 50th anniversary
-Clearinghouse Review – race issues
-All staff retreat
-Colorblindness & Personal Responsibility – staff’s own complicitness
-Social Cognition (SoCog)

Social Cognition
Social Frames/Models (white triangle example)
Implicit Association/Unconscious Bias
Fallacy of Content Neutrality
Undisputed science; meaning
Breaks “Blame Frame”
Combat with Consciousness
Implementing SoCog
i. Race-Conscious Case Selection/Intake
ii. Implicit Association Test (IAT)
iii. Cultural Competence/Consciousness
iv. Be explicit about race
1. Clients
2. Decision-makers
Ratify or Remedy Racial Impact
Long process, but it has to start sometime and somewhere--Might as well be now and here
Structural Racialization
Diagnostic tool
Reframing tool
Breaks “Blame frame” – there’s a broken structure that needs to be fixed to get equal opportunity
GIS mapping
Diagnostic tool
i. Mapping client population
Reframing/advocacy tool
i. Shows race graphically
Led to community lawyering
“Can I present my case graphically?”
Can use maps to even explain the issue to the client. The client often buys into color-blindness and personal responsibility
Community lawyering
Cultivate client advocacy skills
Client-centered, directed advocacy
Get out of the office
Community outreach
i. Dialogue on race
ii. Spend 10% of time out of office at community things.- how to manage??
SoCog & Structural Racialization in the Courts
Part of multi-forum advocacy
1. Mental Health Payments – public payments for mental health FOIA request – whites received 2X plus mental health services – asked the race question.
2. Annexation & Municipal Services Denied – Rural African American community been seeking annexation which would have led to increased municipal services. Municipality changed the rules for annexation mid-stream – used mapping
3. Inclusionary zoning outreach – Pacific islanders, etc.
4. Natural Gas Storage Facility – env. Justice – proposal to pump into a geological formation potentially hazardous stuff right by a low-income community of color. Used maps to demonstrate
5. Hmong mediation project – recent immigration population – high degree of isolation. Leaders felt frustrated by relations with court system especially in family court. Leaders formed a corporation with legal aid help – the corporation would then train judges in cultural competency.

Lessons learned
Don’t create an elite group – teach tools to all advocates and follow them
Get out of the office – 10% community time – can’t define client population as those that come through your doors
Take the journey with your clients
train periodically and by example
implement change in way that works for you - REP website
Look at Clearinghouse Review article.

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